Penetrating Oil – Nothing Beats Homemade

Dubya D1

This bit of info was passed on by Dual Sport Alchemy’s favorite back yard engineer, Frank Morton. Apparently it’s been around for a few years but it’s new to me and confirms my long time suspicion that WD-40 works best as a cleaner. So for everyone with a DIY mentality who prefers to turn their own wrenches … [Read more...]

Mileage in a Bottle

Fuel Bottle...of sorts

Someone recently commented about how obsessed Dual Sport riders are with fuel. It’s true, not since 1982’s post-apocalyptic classic The Road Warrior has a group of people been so preoccupied with gasoline. That’s probably because no other branch of recreational motorcyclist is so dependent on it. Road bikes can … [Read more...]

(Novice) Riding Tip: Use Your Foot Pegs!


Foot pegs – they’re like two tiny metal ottomans protruding from the bottom of your bike’s frame. But these little footstools are much more than a practical place to rest your feet or a convenient bottle opener – they also manuever your bike! Standing up on the pegs while riding, simply shift all your weight to … [Read more...]

Maintenance Tip: Pine Fresh Carb Dip

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There’s a shade tree mechanic’s proverb that explains how to fix just about everything using only two items. If it should turn or spin and doesn’t, use WD-40; if it turns or spins and shouldn’t, use duct tape. There’s several ways to interpret this statement. One is that the person who said it has a simian … [Read more...]

Tip: Retro Fitting Soft Bags for a Dual Sport


Nothing beats a purpose built soft bag custom made to fit your exact make and model. Companies like Touratech and Giant Loop have conquered this market by creating functional, quality products that are easy to install and fit perfectly. But just because you’ve acquired a bag that’s not supposed to fit your bike … [Read more...]

Tip: Make Frank’s Storage Tube!


What’s water proof, crush proof, and will leave other riders scratching their heads? Frank’s storage tube! They say that necessity is the mother of invention and Frank needed a way to keep tent poles and fishing rods protected should he auger his bike into the ground at mach speed. Panniers are bulky and expensive … [Read more...]

Recovery Tip: Salt Bath!

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Relax, dude. After a long day in the saddle, nothing beats a full body massage. Having a large Swedish woman or little Korean guy fold you up like a road map then roll you out like pizza dough can help relieve stiff, sore muscles. For those of us that don’t have a massage therapist lying around the house, or are … [Read more...]

Tip: Loose nuts!

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What's that hissing noise? Inner tubes perform best when they are able to hold air. I came to this brilliant conclusion the first time I got a flat. Sometimes pinch flats are unavoidable, even when running heavy-duty inner tubes. But a tear where the valve stem meets the tube is often the result of the tube shifting … [Read more...]

How to turn 5 cents into 30 dollars


Your bike will thank you. I don’t know who originally came up with this idea but I got this tip from a friend of a friend. If you tend to do a lot of riding in areas that have soft dirt, sand, or silt, you know what its like to have the earth swallow your kickstand and watch your bike tip over while you’re … [Read more...]

Tip: Cheap Riding Gear from Your Uncle!

used motorcycle gear

I HAVE CHEAP RIDING GEAR FOR YOU! If you live in the States your well-to-do Uncle Sam has surplus for sale at reasonable prices. Before Craigs List and Ebay, Military Surplus Stores were a great place to find cheap riding gear. Ok, so maybe its not necessarily motorcycle specific. Bazooka ammo crates make terrible … [Read more...]