For many years now, the unofficial motto of Portland, Oregon has been Keep Portland Weird. About a year ago, Valentines weekend 2015 to be exact, I finally realized that Portland IS weird. That weirdness plays a substantial role in why I love Portland so much, because although weirdos are a small minority, they tend to have huge hearts. As Hunter S Thompson once said, ‘when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.’
A quick internet search and some basic math tells me that only 4% of all registered vehicles in America are motorcycles. That number could be stretched a few more percentiles if you include nonregistered dirt bikes and our little two-wheeled brethren, scooters. Even at a grossly exaggerated 10% – we bike lovers are still in the minority among transportation enthusiasts, but most of us transcend enthusiasm to the point where our joy of motorcycles is viewed more as an obsession by the outside world. To outsiders we look like weirdos, to me we look like weirdos with a big passion for two wheels and an engine.
These revelations, along with a full blown case of my own weirdness, was brought on by my introduction to The 1Show (aka The One Motorcycle Show or 1Moto) and I immediately fell in love with the event. This Portland based motorcycle show is, hands down, the NW’s best bike show. If you’re unfamiliar with this annual event here’s the Cliff Notes: 3 straight days showcasing of every kind of bike you can imagine, all exhibits are by invitation only, most bikes built by local garages and owners. The show remains open till midnight on Friday and Saturday, Rockin bands jam all night, cold $3 PBR talls, huge slices of Sizzle Pie Pizza, espresso drinks by SeeSee Motor Coffee, and here’s the weird part: all of this goodness is free to who ever happens to stroll in. Now that is a Portland kind of Weird, and I love it.
2016 was the 7th annual 1Show. Somehow the organizers of this event have kept the flavor fresh, vibrant, eclectic, and relevant. The people who organize this event and send out the invites have their finger firmly on the jugular vein of the Pacific Northwest’s motorcycle community, resulting in what’s easily the year’s best shindig. It’s a well-run and smartly organized event that keeps progressing. For example, this year there was a free shuttle bus to ferry folks down to Salem (about 45 minutes away) in order to catch some killer flat track racing (which is making a big comeback in the area). The folks who organize this event are obsessed with motorcycles, and proudly display their weirdness for all things bike related once a year.
For me, this year’s show was more about people than bikes. Last year I went for the bikes and was introduced to a horde of like-minded weirdos. When I left that show the seeds of friendship had been sewn and this year it felt great to see many of the same people and pick up right where we left off. It was good to reconnect in such great atmosphere; to share stories, admire the craftsmanship and creativity on display and discuss future builds. I get psyched up when surrounded by so many passionate people with a love for two wheels and an engine, and I feel like my roots in this event are spreading, deeper and wider.
I hope you had a chance to attend this year’s show. If you didn’t, check out the pictures below and do whatever you must to attend next year. And if you do make it, look for me, a fellow weirdo.